Speech Pathology
Our resident speech pathologist offers a range of services to assist children and people of all ages and abilities with communication, including the use of assistive technology, eating and swallowing, and assistance in developing social skills.
What services can a speech pathologist provide for myself or my child?
- Communication assessment and developing or prescribing communication tools and strategies
- Early Childhood Early Intervention Services (ECEI)
- School readiness and support through primary to secondary school
- Improving expressive and receptive communication
- Assistance with augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) assessment and funding applications to the NDIS
- Prescribing and assisting with the purchase of aids and equipment
- Mealtime safety - eating, drinking and swallowing assessments and developing mealtime management plans
Occupational Therapy
An occupational therapist can assist children and people of all ages and abilities in assessing and working towards independence goals, assessing and improving home life, and prescribing and acquiring assistive equipment and devices for everyday living.
What services can an occupational therapist provide for myself or my child?
- Functional Skills assessment and recommendations
- Early Childhood Early Intervention Services (ECEI)
- School readiness and support through primary to secondary school
- Improving self-care and household management
- Improving access to community
- Supporting employment pathways through assessment, skills and training
- Home modifications
- Prescribing and assisting with the purchase of aids and equipment
- Mobility and movement - mobility assessments, falls prevention, exercise and physical activity programs, prescription of wheelchair and mobility aids
What does the Eurella therapy team offer?
- Comprehensive assessment and screening
- Online telehealth consultation and appointments
- Customised one-on-one therapy intervention sessions (can be clinic, telehealth, school or home based)
- Centre-based assessments, services and workshops (e.g. independent living skills group, mobility improvement)
- Consultation, training and support to family, teachers and support staff
- Liaison with other service providers, health professionals, teaching staff and the NDIA
Enquire today about our Therapy Services